today, I would like to do a review about a movie I watch recently - "The Dark Knight Rises" aaannnnd it's in english
for those who dont know, dark knight is just another name for Batman.
Cover depan The Dark Knight Rises
the story tells mainly about Bane, a mercenaries that suddenly comes to Gotham City and tries to destroy it. his ideal about to give Gotham back to the people attracts many mercs to serve under him.
the story sets after the previous film, where DA Harvey Dent (Two Face) have been declared dead (though he is actually not. he just changed to be Two Face. it's quite a letdown when I dont see him in this movie). 8 years after, people of Gotham held a special day to honor Dent, as he is the founders of Dent Act during his days as the attorney. Dent Act is an act that let criminals to be imprisoned in Blackgate Prisoner. the rest, watch it if u want to know more about it
about the story, I would say it just an average story. it doesnt really make me felt like "wow!". to be honest, I'm watching it because I'm honoring Batman. a unique hero character, he really cares about people lives. he doesnt kill, even his enemies. that what makes his greatest nemesis, The Joker keeps bothering Gotham City. he also holds some high end tech gadget that designed to not kill people. I really admires his ideal, though sometimes I regret about how he doesnt want to kill The Joker.
the story also does not really makes me felt fascinated. it's really different from the Batman game that I'd played before. take Bane for example. in this story, I dont really felt any attraction to him, even though he is the main antagonist in the story. compare to the game Batman Arkham City, I've only get a minor chance to meet him, (he only gives u a side mission. you're not even fighting him) yet it leaves something in my memory.
Bane dalam Dark Knight Rises
Bane dalam Batman Arkham City
about the storyline. well, I approves it. somehow the storyline is really good and have a shocking plot twist at the end. the story about Ra's al-Ghul child really makes me surprised. the scriptwriter knows exactly how to make the story, and it succeed to deceive me although I'm quite knowledgeable about the characters in Batman.
in a nutshell, it is undeniable that the story IS good. but it lacks something. I dont know what it is, but I really dont feel fascinated with the story. it just doesnt gave me a deep impressions like Ted. (yes, Ted is a movie title. though I dont recommend my good readers to watch it)
maybe I just dont like human version of Batman or maybe I just want more characters to be in the movie. (well, I noticed Crane. Is that Jonathan Crane a.k.a Scarecrow?) but who knows? even I myself cannot said it.
thanks for reading this, and goodbye
zuhair; people are saying that I'm too hard to feel impressed. maybe... they were right